savera - learning ehrichment program
Our flagship program “SAVERA” provides the education to the underprivileged children of Ahmedabad in our LEP centres working in weaker section colonies and Govt. Schools of Ahmedabad, Sanand and Dahej area.
To cater the academic deficit and impart quality education in the students of Govt. school, we have designed a special Learning Enrichment Program. This unique program is efficient in building the capacity of weak students in academic and helped to pace with higher scores.
Majority of the students in govt. schools are from the weaker section. Their parents are engaged in the labour work and therefore can’t help the wards in education. Private tuition is beyond their reach. Ultimately the students decrease their interest in academic and become dropout.
This is a unique, innovative and alternative educational program to decrease the dropout ratio and strengthen Govt. education system. Ways of Implementation: Savera is implemented in two chief ways:
EDUCATION CENTRE (Community Level Program):
By establish Learning Enrichment Centres nearby the weaker section colony.
- Education facility brought to the door step of children after and before the school hours.
- Attractive make shift classrooms for program implementation. Identifying children through house hold survey.
- Classes according to time availability of children and learning level.
- Parent involvement and interactions.
- Baseline evaluation survey before implementation of the program.
- Specially trained teachers to work with children from vulnerable households.
- Remedial classes for Std. 5thd to 8th for academic week students in Math & language
- Advance Learning Enrichment Classes focusing on Maths, Science, English and Social Science.
(School Level Program):
Hosting special classes in Government schools for PRIYA STUDENTS, who are academically weak.
- To provide activity based basic education to the academically weak students
- Learning becomes more attractive, interesting & joyful. So, Children never think of leaving their education.
- Filling the gap of academic deficit in the students of Govt. Primary School.
- To reduce the ratio of dropouts from the academic system.
- Helping the less fortunate children in building their future and nation’s as well.
- This Learning Enrichment Program is specially designed to cater the academic deficit and impart quality education in the students of Govt. Primary School.
- This unique, alternative and innovative program is efficient in building the capacity of weak students in academic and helped to pace with higher scores.
- The program is easy to implement in the School Premise and within the school hours.
- Fortnightly Evaluation and Tracking system of each students.
- The program is designed to teach the students according to their learning level.
- The targeted student is attending the special class for two hours in a day as per learning level.
- The program is conducted in a play way method so students are very interested to play the game.
- The program starts with the remedial activities and ends with the learning enrichment of students in Gujarati, Math, Science and English with the Life skill and character education.
- Academic weak students of Std. 3rd to 8th of Government Primary School.
- Portal based fortnightly Evaluation and tracking system of each student will show the measurable out come